Javascript does not equal shorthand
Javascript does not equal shorthand

However, due to the difficulty in using such commands, a number of alternatives are frequently employed to denote inequality.

javascript does not equal shorthand

The not equals sign (≠) can be written using certain Unicode commands such as U+2260 2260,Alt+X in Microsoft Windows. To represent this properly, one should represent the different computations with commas in between them:Ģ + 3 = 5, 5 + 6 = 11, 11 + 5 = 15 Not Equals And Other Equals Sign Variants

javascript does not equal shorthand

The intention here is to represent adding the first two numbers together followed by adding another number. People will occasionally write out operations like this: Note that the sign may occasionally be used to connect steps of mathematical operations together in a non-standard way. The field of linguistics sometimes uses the equals sign to denote clitic boundaries, with the sign coming in between the word the clitic is attached to and the clitic itself. Other usages of the equals sign include the usage of the sign in chemistry, where it signals the presence of a double bond between atoms. “Mathematics possesses not only truth, but a supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture.” - Bertrand Russell

javascript does not equal shorthand

Meanwhile, Javascript uses the triple equals sign to indicate “equality without type coercion”. Likewise, PHP uses three equals sign to make statements about value equality, showing that the expressions have equal values and share the same data type. For instance, Python uses a double equals sign (“=”) as a comparison operator since the single equals sign is used as an assignment operator. Programming languages that don’t use the equals symbol as a statement of equality have other methods of handling this equality comparison. Languages like Perl, Python, and C continue to use the equals sign as an assignment operator, while languages like Eiffel, Asa, and APL use the equals sign to indicate equivalency. Examples of both types of use for the equals sign can be found in modern programming languages. Other computer languages may use the equals sign with the traditional “equivalency” meaning. Photo: John Sauter via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain In computer programming languages in general, the equals sign doesn’t exactly mean two things are equivalent, instead, it functions as an assignment operator, setting the value of some statement to a following statement. FORTRAN is believed to be the first computer language to make use of the equals sign, with the sign being included in revisions to FORTRAN in 1957. However, the equals sign is often used in other fields, such as in computer programming. In math, using the equals sign asserts that two statements or variables are equivalent to one another. Beyond that, Rercorde helped introduce the world at large to concepts of data manipulation and quantification, with theories and instructions on applying mathematics to various domains such as navigation, commerce, land surveying, and astronomy. Recorde’s equals sign and other contributions to mathematical theory and operators gave computer scientists a ubiquitous and universally recognized symbol to assign values and assert a quality. It is arguable that Recorde laid the foundation for the discipline of computer science, as computer science is at its core about processing, creating, and collecting data. So the more equations you know, the more you can converse with the cosmos.” - Neil DeGrasse Tyson

javascript does not equal shorthand

A vertical equals sign, rather than a horizontal equals sign, may have been used throughout the 1600s, with the now universally used horizontal equal sign becoming standardized over the course of the 1700s. This gave Recorde’s equals sign some extra influence, as when combined with + and – the equals sign could easily be used to assert mathematical equations that took much longer to write out. However, Recorde had introduced English speakers to the now-famous German symbols for subtraction and addition: “+” and “-”. One reason that Recorde’s symbol may have been slow to catch on was that in the 16th century Latin still heavily influenced communication, and the term “aequalis” was frequently just shortened to “Ae” or “oe” if an abbreviation was required. While Recorde’s new equals sign succinctly implied equality between two values, it wasn’t widely adopted until much later. Photo: By Robert Recorde –, Public Domain, A representation of the first known equation, equivalent to 14x + 15 = 71.

Javascript does not equal shorthand